Looking for a Finance recruiter in Cambridge?
We have over 20 years experience of recruiting Accountancy & Finance professionals in Cambridge.
Accountancy Recruitment in Cambridge
Why CV Screen?
Finance Recruitment Specialists in Cambridge
We are a specialist recruitment consultancy within accountancy and finance, placing candidates in Cambridge. We have been recruiting within both Accountancy Practice and within Industry & commerce since 2000.
Our experienced team cover a wide range of finance roles including (but not limited to):
- Accountancy Practice – Part Qualified and Fully Qualified (ACA, ACCA or CIMA)
- Senior finance roles such as Finance Director, Financial Controller and Finance Manager
- Management Accountant and Financial Accountant
- Credit Controller, Accounts Assistant, Bookkeeper
Placement fees of 15%
Our placement fees for permanent finance recruitment are 15% of the basic salary.
We feel that this is excellent value in this candidate short marketplace.
We also offer a donation of £50 to a Charity of your choice each time we successfully place a candidate with you. Last year alone, we donated over £10,000 to some fantastic causes.
Local Candidates
Our expertise lies in finding candidates who are based locally to your offices as it is proven that those with a shorter commute are likely to stay longer with you.
The advent of home working has changed the jobs market for good. We are now seeing businesses looking for candidates remotely, or those who can work on a hybrid basis, attending the offices for two or three days a week.
Our aim is to always source candidates who are within 45 minutes of your office location in Cambridge, using our expertise to search for candidates in the locality.
Candidate Guarantee
We are so confident in our service that we will provide you with a candidate guarantee which means that we offer a rebate which covers the first 100 days of a candidates employment.
This provides you with peace of mind when you’re hiring and ensures that you’re protected on the rare occasion when a candidate doesn’t work out.